“JUMPA, JUMPA, JUMPA” JUMPA with me ~ Tracy Newman’s New Kids CD

Recently my son and I received a copy of singer/songwriter Tracy Newman’s new kids CD,
I Can Swing Forever. This features 18 songs ranging from quietly active to sleep inducing lullabies. This singalong also comes with a coloring book.  I thought this package was great especially since I have been working on a bedtime routine that doesn’t include electronics or social media.

When Its time for bed my son is a “JUMPA JUMPA JUMPA” down the hall to his room. Going to bed is a happy time for both my 4yo and I. No more do I say ok Five more minutes on your “electronic”.  One of his favorite endings to his day is when my little gets to play the CD and we sing a song or two and get ready for bed. These are the moments I treasure with my little one.

Tracy and her daughter Charlotte Newman (who illustrated the coloring book) have more exciting news about her released CD and so much more.

Be sure to check out her website for more information.

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