The Diary of a single mom

Sometimes I feel like I want to run away and be a recluse on an island with my very own Wilson.  I would just sit back and take it all in,relish in the silence. Stand up with my arms open as the wind blows and kisses my face and I just enjoy the breeze on my skin and toes in the sand. The still moments of quiet, the leaves playing a song as the wind orchestrates the symphony of the waves crashing, wind blowing, leaves swaying, and the sand slightly dusting up. When I briefly close my eyes to imagine this wonderful escape…..
He hit me
I hit him because He thru my cards on the floor
Do I need to go to the hospital? He needs to be arrested
I defended myself, If he is going to hit, he better be prepared to take a beating
You’re going to hell for not showing brotherly love
An eye for an eye smart one
Mommy  the baby colored all over your chemistry homework
Mommy YOU said this paper was the scratch paper or was it that pile? Don’t be mad mommy but I already cut it up, and made the fastest paper airplanes, want to fly one with me?
Mommy I missed the toilet when I puked
Mommy the baby took off his diaper and pooped on the floor. I think I might have stepped on it and accidentally smeared it all over the couch. 
Mommy even if we wake up at 11am on the weekends you are not making us brunch, its breakfast and we would like the two meals after that appropriately called, lunch and dinner.
Mommy what’s this, can you fix this, Mommy I’m sorry but I accidentally broke this
Mommy did you really need that
 Mommy can you wipe me
Mommy he farted
 Mommymommy mommy where are you, mommy why do you lock your door when you are taking a shower, I need to talk to you right now can you PLEASE open the door? Mommy I split my finger open, can you open the bathroom door? Mommy I’m sorry you slipped on the floor and shampoo is still in your hair but you see I did split my finger, that tiny speck right there and I need you to kiss it to make it better.
Mommy can you please pray again with us
 Mommyyou’re the best
Mommy I am sorry I wasn’t nice to my brother
 Mommy can I help you fold the laundry
Mommy momma, mommy, ma, mom, mom, in any language that means love did you know that?
The truth is as much as there are times when I feel broken and wonder how am I doing this? I know I am embraced by God’s grace and I wouldn’t want it any other way. They drive me crazy and at times I cry, however the laughter outweighs the tears and frustration, I’m thanking God for my wonderful life and three healthy amazing boys. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
 Overall I am very blessed.  I still dream from time to time of the wind blowing me kisses on my face and I just enjoy the breeze on my skin and toes in the sand. The still moments of quiet, the leaves playing a song as the wind orchestrates the symphony of the waves crashing, wind blowing, leaves swaying, and the sand slightly dusting up.

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