Turbo Fire Fridays – Update

Due to my medical issues I was knocked out with a severe migraine from the week of the 16th on. I doubt it was from doing turbo fire however I needed to take a break. While watching the videos and observing from the sidelines, I realized that I could follow the specific people noted to customize my workout for either a low or high impact workout. Just because I was unable to do the turbo fire workout, doesn’t mean I wasn’t able to work out. I made sure to walk and I did count household chores as exercise. These past weeks were very low…… I mean low impact for me.

I am excited to resume tomorrow – I can’t tell you how truly inspired I feel when I complete a turbo fire workout.

Just curious what you do when you are not feeling well? What is the one workout routine that you will do rain or shine, pain or pain free, puke or no puke?

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