Undercover blessings

The boys are all sick, this has been an exciting week. More like a juggling act to say the least. Multitasking was not my strongest attribute this week. I had to miss class this morning, I can’t leave my boys for five hours while I go to school. I don’t have anyone who can watch them and its not really my son’s responsibility to watch his younger brothers or fair since he himself is sick as well. Due to the demanding schedule and presentations due upon my return for one of my classes I needed to meet my classmate to do a quick run through. It was for an hour, what can wrong in an hour? You don’t even want to know what I came home to.

While sitting at starbucks this morning waiting for my friend, she tells me she is lost. I am that person who gets lost in their walk in closet. As I am trying to give directions there is this man next to me and I ask him for his assistance. He politely starts to give them to me, still confused I hand him my phone to redirect my friend to where our destination is. After the directions were giving we talk about GPS and the fun with that. I mention a sermon I heard about GPS and the gentleman tells me of a story of a man ending up on an airport runway due to GPS. I was telling him about how in the Sermon I heard you shouldn’t always count on your GPS because it could lead you off a cliff. I mentioned It was a video clip from the book I read, Not a fan. The gentleman said oh yes Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman. As we were chatting I found out his name is Jon Ramsey and he is a Pastor at Mariners church. Mariners church is a huge supporter to 3/5 my late brothers unit that he was in that I am actually helping out on the board not the church side. 
As we were talking he told me about his journey with his brain tumor; you can read more about it here from his wife’s blog – Deanna Ramsay. I shared my journey with my liver lesion and tumor and how every six months I need to get an MRI and blood work. I told him how I learned to trust and just know God is in control. I also said that I learned not to question God. He provided me with a greater understanding to that statement. “Its ok to ask questions its when we question God is the line we shouldn’t cross.” Ok so it might not be word for word what he said the gist we are taught to ask questions in school, our children ask us questions. There is a difference between asking about something in the tone; example; “Mom WHY do I need to wash the dishes again?” verses “Mom why is it important that we need to wash the dishes again can you help me understand?”
I told him about how I am petrified about MRI’s and he gave such a wonderful analogy that I am going to take this with me during my next one. He told me he uses this time as a great way for prayer during the 45 minutes. He also used an analogy with a hug and I am now going to visualize God holding me as I pray to him while I am in the machine for an hour and a half. 
When I finished going over the presentation with my classmate, Pastor Ramsey asked if he could pray for my migraines and my liver. My classmate, Pastor Ramsey and I all prayed in the middle of starbucks, I thought that was awesome. 
I  find it amazing that no matter what trials I am going through GOD is constantly showing his love  and mercy. During these trials I am meeting such wonderful people along this journey. Yes I might be overwhelmed with it all, however I also see the blessings in all these beautiful moments. Thank you God.

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