Unlocking Pandora’s Box…. The journey after the brain scan part 2

Amen Clinics, ADHD, 7 Types of ADHD, Brain Scan, Change your brain change your life

The week couldn’t come fast enough and I was super excited to get the results of the brain scan. In case you didn’t read it HERE is the journey to prior. Ok when I walked in I was met by one of their Doctors and we went over the SPECT study parameter as well as the findings and it was an in depth consultation.

Brain SPECT imaging basically shows us three things; areas of the brain that work well, areas of the brain that work too hard, and areas of the brain that do not work hard enough. With this information, together with the clinical information obtained through our extensive history taking process, psychometric testing, and clinical evaluation, we are able to develop a more comprehensive, effective, and integrated treatment plan. SPECT scans help delineate the brain physiology underlying psychiatric problems and may or may not fully correlate with the clinical DSM-V diagnoses, since the DSM-V is based on historical symptom clusters and not on underlying brain systems. This is part of why SPECT scans can be so helpful.

The findings ; Ring of Fire and a Diamond Plus pattern of limbic activity. Areas of severely increased activity that include the focal right region of the thalamus and the right basal  ganglia. Moderate increases are noted throughout all hemispheres. Mildly decreased activity seen in the temporal lobes bilaterally and the right inferior orbit of the prefrontal cortex are accompanied by mildly decreased internal cerebellar activity.


What this means to me as his mother; My son was right the medication he was on as a stimulant wasn’t right for him. All the side effects he had and the other information he noted as well as what I witnessed for the last few years. It all made sense now as the type of scan my son had and the type of ADHD he has, a stimulant is not suitable. He has inflammation on parts of his brain and it was recommended to see an allergists to figure out what he is allergic to.

We also went over our options. We went over supplements to try for a few weeks and if anything changes or doesn’t we would add some supplements or look into some medications that compliment regime.

Amen Clinics, ADHD, 7 Types of ADHD, Brain Scan, Change your brain change your life

I can go ahead and tell you all the supplements my son is on based on his brain scan and a few friends asked me as their children suffer from ADHD. What I told them, is that what works for my son was tailored to him based on his Brain Scan and the results. Taking the supplements and not knowing which type of ADHD or underlying problem you have is like going to your medicine cabinet and trying to self medicate or WebMD and trying to self diagnose.  What my son is on is calming certain parts of his brain that were active. What was active on my sons brain could been calm with your brain or your childs and the supplements I was given could have an adverse reaction to their treatment plan. Just like the stimulant my son was on was not the right kind of medication given the type of ADHD he has. There  are 7 types of ADHD.

A Brain Scan is pricy however it makes me laugh because so are braces and iPhones. Yet I see several kids with braces in their mouth or iPhones in their possession.  When its something important parents always find a way. So many plans out there and I believe Amen Clinics accepts care credit.

Amen Clinics, ADHD, 7 Types of ADHD, Brain Scan, Change your brain change your life


80% of the patients that continue with treatment with Amen Clinics get better. It’s a journey and it’s really the best gift you can give to your child or your loved one.

These are the conditions Amen Clinics treat;



Anxiety and Depression

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Behavioral problems

Bipolar disorder

Brain toxicity and infection

Concussions and TBI

Martial conflict

Memory problems and dementia

Obsessive compulsive spectrum disorders

PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)

Weight loss and nutrition


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