Goodbye to a legendary bunny

Some nights my boys and I walk around our complex and we see all the bunnies hop around, my middle son calls them legendary bunnies. I am not sure where he came up with that or why. He likes to make up stories about the bunnies and he pretends the legendary bunnies are magical. It is really cute and it melts my heart. There are so many more bunnies hopping around, we have been invaded by the legendary bunnies as of late. We see them not only at night, but in the morning and afternoon as well.

Tonight as I was driving home with my kids in the car and I was turning into my complex I thought I saw something dart in front of me, I slammed on my brakes, but it was too late. I heard the bump, and it wasn’t the speed bump that was 15 feet in front of me. I looked in my rear view mirror and it was a lifeless legendary bunny. I burst into tears and after I parked the car and took the kids in the house, I called my mother to tell her what happened. She asked if the kids or I were hurt? After she knew we were ok she told me it was ok, things happen. When my son figured out that I ran over a bunny that ran in-front of our car he cried. “Mommy you killed a legendary bunny?”

Consoling my son and explaining to him and reassuring myself as well, that it was a horrible thing and even though I tried to stop it was too late. Sometimes animals run in-front of cars and sometimes we can swerve and other times we don’t have time and unfortunately they get hit.

I have never ran over an animal before (I hope I never do again) and I feel sick and so sad. I didn’t see the bunny until it was too late. I called animal control to tell them them so they could clean it up. I kind of feel bad like I should go get the bunny and put it in a shoebox or something and bury it. I feel so awful and my mother assured me that it died instantly and their was no pain. I sure hope so.

This has never happened before and I am just so upset. I am an animal lover and I just feel so sick about this. Poor poor legendary bunny, I am so sorry!

One Comment:

  1. That really catrupes the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.

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