Mirror Mirror on the wall….

Dear LAWD since I turned 30 some years ago I noticed that my skin was having some sort of midlife crisis. I mean I was seeing hair growing in places that shouldn’t and I was losing hair in the places I wish I wasn’t. I had a nose hair sticking out of my nose that looked like a spider leg. I went to exterminate that spider sort of speak, when I plucked it I saw the moon and stars. A few months back I was growing a light-colored mustache on my lip or so I was told by the lady who waxes my eyebrows, she saw some hair under my nose. Sadly it has come to that and I fear I will be shaving my face along with my pubescent son within the next few months. Maybe he will teach me a thing or two about shaving my face? Oh the JOYS of getting older. Why don’t your girlfriends tell you about all these lovely things that happen when you start to age?

Oh and don’t get me started on the hormones, I looked flushed and have acne that sits on one side of my face and on my neck. My skin goes from dry to oily to confused to normal. Um I don’t think there is ever a normal.

Then there are the wrinkles, if only Mr. Clean made a magic eraser for the face.

While dealing with my disdain with my current face issues and skin problems, I was excited to learn about logo

not sure if it can help with the hair on my face but I am hopeful it can help with “PORE” me!

TriDerma® began 24 years ago with one woman’s struggle to find relief after having a dermabrasion procedure. As you can imagine back then nothing was really readily available to help her skin heal faster. With medical advice to use Crisco, you know the heavy greasy cooking oil. Yeah they told her to put that on her face. YUCK! Not too enthused about that answer and wanting to find another solution, that paved the way to help thousands of others ever since.  “True, fast healing… without a prescription”.

TriDerma is a line of products made with certified genuine virgin organic aloe, moisturizers, and other carefully selected botanicals to target and help heal a wide variety of skin problems. Originally TriDerma only sold to doctors, estheticians, plastic surgeons and medical supply stores. Due to the overwhelming requests by customers, the company expanded its sales market to make the products more readily available to consumers.

Without changing its premium medical strength formulas, TriDerma launched its products into retail stores.   

To this day, TriDerma stays true to its medical heritage, providing powerful formulas that work to help those that struggle, both emotionally and physically, with hard-to-heal skin problems.  TriDerma is a woman-owned, family company, which now has more than 100 product SKUs that are sold nationally and internationally.   


If I had to choose four things that should be a staple in your beauty regime from TriDerma I would say the following would be some must haves.  TriDerma is offering a 20% off for first time online purchases. You can apply during checkout. This code will start Monday, Oct 19th and will sadly disappear on October 26th.  The code for checkout is HOPSCOTCH20.



  1. Facial Redness Repair. It says its fast soothing relief and helps to reduce the appearance of redness and inflammation. Helps relieve Rosacea flare-ups and improves the overall skin tone.  I do get a little red here and there, often looking like a distant relative from Ruldophs the rednose reighndeer. My cheeks could land a plane if need be. I like that it will impove the overall skin tone and its always good to reduce inflammation.



Rosacea, Flare ups, Overall skin tone

TriDerma Facial Redness Repair

2.  The  next is the Pore Reducing Anti-Age Serum. Ok this sold me on how it can visibly reduce pores. Including REFINAPORE which is safe for all skin types and non-comedogenic.

Reduces pores, refines textures, absorbs and control oil

TriDerma Pore Reducing Anti-Age Serum










3.  Psoriasis Control, although I don’t have this I was told it can help with overall itchy skin. I do have dry skin despite the overload of lotions I use this is one that is worth giving a try.

Reduces white scaly skin and redness, relieves itching, No cortisone

TriDerma Psoriasis Control









4. Oh, ” A Wrinkle in Time” or the magic eraser whatever  you want to call it. However it is called Spot & Wrinkle Erasing scrub. If this definition doesn’t make you want to buy a whole bulk load and hoard it for yourself I am not sure what will?

Erasing wrinkles, Scrub, collagen

TriDerma Spot & Wrinkle Erasing Scrub

Precision diamond crystals act like a surgeons’ scalpel gently exfoliating dead skin cells to stimulate faster collagen production, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, help flatten acne scars and correct uneven skin tone.


TriDerma is offering a 20% off for first time online purchases. You can apply during checkout. This code will start Monday, Oct 19th and will sadly disappear on October 26th.  The code for checkout is HOPSCOTCH20.

This is a sponsored post, where I wrote original editorial content for. All thoughts, content and ideas are 100% mine. 

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