Experimenting with Mint

My oldest son loves to cook and experiment. I allow him to have his way around the kitchen with creating his masterpieces by combing spices, oils, and foods. One of his favorite things to make is pancakes, inspired by my mother he always has to make sure that presentation is key. 
He likes to alternate between adding vanilla, almond flavoring or nutmeg to his batch.
Flipping his pancakes for our Sunday morning breakfast.
My oldest has three plants, Mint, Parsley, and dill. I wasn’t sure why he wanted to cut some mint off one of the plant.
He then rinsed strawberries.
Cut them up and placed them around a plate. Alternating mint leafs, and strawberries.
When he was finished he put put the pancakes in the middle and then sprinkled with powdered sugar.
The finished product!
When I asked what the mint was for he replied, ” To give you a fresh mouth after breakfast.” He cracks me up! Here’s to the next top chef!

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